The Bureau for the Validation of Art (2018—)


The Women’s Art Activation System


The Officials from The Bureau for the Validation of Art offer artists the opportunity to submit work for validation. 

Using a preset series of questionnaires aimed at The Artist, and An Audience, along with the Officials’ own assessment, and using abundant quantities of paperwork, the officials make a decision on whether the proposed work is Valid as Art. 

The Officials validate validated work with a VALIDATED stamp, and a docket is presented to the artist recording the process and outcome.

The Bureau for the Validation of Art provokes conversation around who gets to decide what is valid and what isn’t, the importance of validation processes, and the socio-psychological importance of bureaucratic and other forms of ritual in defining who we are, and what we are and are not able to do.

In the Validation process we offer the chance to playfully experience an alternative infrastructure in which artists become adjudicators, simultaneously parodying and embodying the possibility of being the authors of our own validation.

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