Let’s Get Phygital: Process and Findings Report


R.M Sánchez-Camus


We're delighted to unveil this insightful report penned by our project lead, Dr. R.M. Sánchez-Camus, on the final stage of the Social ARTery project. Supported by Arts Council England National Lottery funding and led by Axis with the Social Art Network to focus on social practice artists.

The report shares insights and reflections, guiding artists through challenges—from tech glitches to the shifting landscape of post-pandemic Britain.

Alongside Dr. R.M. Sánchez-Camus, we've had invaluable input from digital participation expert John Whall, project coordinator Daniela Liberati, and evaluator Dr. Ria Poole.

Ready to dig deeper? Read the full report.

More information:https://community.axisweb.org/c/from-axis/let-s-get-phygital-process-and-findings-report