PLAY THE GAME (2020-21)


Rik Fisher

Image description: a photograph of a paper clock without hands on an asphalt pavement. The text reads ‘Play the game’ in bright red capitals. Image credit: Rik Fisher.

Image description: a photograph of a paper clock without hands on an asphalt pavement. The text reads ‘Play the game’ in bright red capitals. Image credit: Rik Fisher.


A report on PLAY THE GAME, a group project exploring walking as a creative and critical tool, using psychogeography-inspired performative games.

PLAY THE GAME was a project created and facilitated by Rik Fisher as one of the selected Social ARTery Pioneer artists. It was a group project taking place between December 2020-January 2021 and during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Participants joined through an open call from across the UK, the Netherlands and Germany. We used video calls to meet online for group discussions and the Social ARTery platform to discuss and share inbetween these meetings.

There were four group meetings, each one included a psychogeographically inspired prompt that invited participants to take part in performative games. Participants then responded to these with in their own geographical area and we shared discussions and any documented experiences together.

The project gave us all a chance to connect across borders during a time of physical restrictions. It also gave us an opportunity to explore the areas we live in creatively and critically, raising many topics, issues and stories. I have written a report on the project, collating the games we played, participants responses and a discussion around creating and analysing the project.

I have attempted to write this report in language that is accessible. Please note that the report is 109 pages in total, the report being around 35 pages and the participant responses around 80 pages. Many pages include imagery and so please do not be daunted by the report’s length.

Please note files have varied text sizes, if you require a larger text version please contact me Unfortunately there is not an audio version of the report available.

To read the PLAY THE GAME report, scroll through the PDF below.