Recyclables (2018)

By Alice Bradshaw


Recyclables is a publication documenting Alice Bradshaw's residency at the Brighouse Household Waste Recycling Centre for Brighouse Arts Festival 2018

My interest in rubbish and its changeable value as both social object and art material is a long standing obsession. Rubbish is a temporary object-state before an item is reused, recycled or decomposed. The object history and the processes involved in deciding that something is rubbish and throwing it away are particularly of interest. The conversations we have about rubbish are something I place great value on.

I’ve been collecting, cataloguing and exhibiting rubbish for my Museum of Contemporary Rubbish since 2010 and ‘Talking Rubbish’ as research based practice since 2014 whilst I was undertaking my Masters by Research at the University of Huddersfeld. My desire to undertake an artist residency in a recycling centre stems from wanting to see the everyday operations first hand and wanting to talk rubbish with the people discarding it and the people processing it.

More information:

Read the PDF Publication: Recyclables (2018)