Dwell Time (2019)

By Alice Bradshaw, Vanessa Haley, Lenny Szrama Dwell Time Curators


Dwell Time is an arts publication of selected contributions reflecting on mental wellbeing, published for the Penistone Line Railway in Yorkshire.

Dwell Time arose from tragic death by suicide of one of our close friends in 2017. He was a passionate advocate of arts being a tool to discuss mental health and bequest us the task of raising awareness of mental health through our work as artists and curators. Art, poetry and sharing personal experiences have the power to communicate, educate and reduce the isolation, marginalisation and stigmatisation of mental ill health. A small edition arts publication is not going to change the world and cure mental illness but in talking about this subject that affects a huge proportion of the population; through art, poetry and lived experience, we hope that it will honour our late friend’s memory and his request.

More information:

Download the PDF: Dwell Time Issue 1

Download the PDF: Issue2.pdf