Posts tagged Andrew Henon
Andrew Henon

I am a socially engaged artist with a career and provenance of work spanning over 43 years. My work is site and need based specific focussing on social, economic and ecological change. I have a profile of published works, exhibitions and events across the visual arts and poetry genres.

I have provenance track record 43 years delivering ‘Socially engaged arts’ enabling the creativity of others; Qualified with MA by research Fine Art an HND and ADMP in ‘Site and Need Based Specifics’ Spatial Design & FAETC 730/40 City & Guilds. Worked for organisations including Somerset Film ‘Generations Together’ Cabinet Office of third sector; Creativity Works as key worker during transition from North East Somerset Arts (NESA) in 2003-09; I designed, delivered projects and published books contributing towards regional portfolio organisation status. I designed, delivered and evaluated many projects working with people most disenfranchised in society; at risk vulnerable, young people and families, people with mental health, drugs, alcohol, poverty, social isolation, abuse with deprivation issues and multiple challenges in their lives. I myself experience some of the same issues and challenges as those I work with gaining insights and empathy.

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